Lego Vibrator - The Fuck-o-matic
Lego Vibrator - The Fuck-o-matic
Well, I said not to shove cellphones into your nether regions, and I should probably continue that warning here.
Just because you can make the lego vibrate, doesn't mean you should then take advantage of it. However, it is a fairly awesome idea. Since it's attached to an RCX brick, you can use one of the many languages available to interact with the brick through IR. Hook that to a network, and you're good to go.
God. I just seriously thought about that.
However, you might want a slightly more powerful motor than the little gray ones that come with the kit. Oh yeah, and maybe shave down the edges on the lego.
So, Steve Digman, who built the mighty piece of machinery (and who's CC license I have now fulfilled so I can post the whole thing if I wanted to, but I'll let his bandwidth deal with it instead), we salute you. With what body part, well, that's another question.
via Hack-A-Day